And all through the house, all a hard drive was whirring, because I had found a page that has the demos, at least those which are already published, available to download. The page itself isn’t as solid as the normal one that should be up tomorrow afternoon, but a head starts nice. It looks like there are over 3100 games in this Fest. Pretty heavy on the Survivors-likes, I’ve grabbed a few, as well as my usual genres. Management sims, life sims, base builders, and just anything that catches my eye. There are two games (at least) where you play as seagulls that I have to get into, just to torture a friend with them.

In this early look at what’s available, I’m at nearly 50 games already. I have no clue how many will get reviewed, I am working seven days a week right now (aside from the 14th, which I have off from both jobs). I’m also raiding in WoW, keeping my Star Rail progressed, etc. I was doing alright at writing out several articles at once and getting them queued up daily for a while and hopefully I can make the time for that again.

Anyway, for all of the two people that read this, who may be bots looking for wordpress vulns, look forward to more reviews soon.

By Coan