If you’re slightly a RPG nerd, you may have come across the Epic NPC Man videos or clips over the years. Nice Day for Fishing is set in that universe, where after a mishap, the adventurers are sucked out of the world of Azerim and Baelin, a npc with only one set of lines becomes the sole defender.

The games got a cool but simple fishing mechanic of mashing A to attack, and B to block/parry, you’ll also learn spells along the way to restore line health or attack the fish directly. You earn exp and level up, giving yourself more health, attack, and defense. You also can sell fish not needed for quests, to get gold, which can be used to buy upgrades. It’s essentially a proper, simple RPG, centered around fishing. It’s got story, it’s got plenty of call-backs to the show, and it’s got lots of fishing.

I took about an hour and a half to clear the demo, and I took my time, doing more fishing than was strictly necessary. It’s certainly a nice day for fishing, and I’m looking forward to the full release, which is still just noted as 2025. If it’s not clear, I do recommend you give it a try while it’s up for Next Fest, a vibe tells me that this demo might vanish after it’s done. It’s just a vibe though, since it’s not a game set to release in March/April.

By Coan