My Little Life is a lot like Rusty’s Retirement in that it lives in a small space of your screen. It’s a life sim on the small scale, while so many other games looking to come out are trying to do big things, and, in some cases, being cancelled for not being able to outshine The Sims. I think by knowing where it is aiming for, My Little Life has a lot of charm and a shot at doing well.

You start off with pretty much nothing, I think to be honest, you don’t even have a bucket to shit in. I think part of the tutorial is buying a bucket for…that. Now this just means you only have room to go up. You work on figuring out what career to join and start working on what you need for it. Each role has stats it would rely on, so for my streaming role for my first role I needed a computer, but to get promoted, I needed better stats. So, better computer, but, also took time to improve my living conditions in general, because you have various stats like happiness and hygiene to think about, and well, I wanted a real bathroom. In the demo you can bring in one additional person, but you have to get the stats and items to recruit them.

It’s meant to run for long periods without any interaction, so you don’t have to worry about one of the little people trying to cook and burning everything down and dying. It did seem like if you wanted to move items you had already placed, you couldn’t, but, you can sell them for the same value and just rebuy and move them that way. A minor annoyance, but hopefully that gets changed.

Overall, it’s a nice bite-sized life sim that goes on sale in a few weeks on the 31st. There isn’t a price listed, so it’s best to just wishlist it off it’s Steam page and wait for launch.

By Coan