I feel like there is probably a lot I can say about A Corgi’s Cozy Hike, but, too much might just get into spoilers. It’s certainly what it says on the box. You’re a corgi, you’re exploring an open world and dressing up and talking to other animal folk and doing things and relaxing and…

The demo has li dev diaries you can find and share some behind the scenes of the team and who they are and what they’ve done. Part of the games purchase will go to animal shelters and they had helped a local shelter at a past con as well. There are plenty of collectables and costumes to find, dogs to save from their predicaments, and upgrades to help travel the 3D platformer space better. It’s a delightfully wholesome experience that should live up to their promise of helping rescue dogs both in game and in the real world.

Honestly a cool game all around in that sense, worth checking out and wishlisting. They’re aiming for a Q1 2025 release, so hopefully we’ll see the full game soon.

By Coan