Yars Rising is an odd game for me. I’m an older gamer, I started on the Atari and played the original Yars Revenge. So to see it back as a anime aesthetic metroidvania, with the original game as a minigame you play at times is…something. The demo was fairly compact, as a shortened version of the first level to give you a taste of the exploration, upgrading, and combat.

The art and music are fantastic, the actual main gameplay felt…just ok. I felt this most in the boss fight that ends the demo. I was having a lot of trouble with the hitbox feeling off. It could just be the fact that I am old. It took a few attempts to down them, learning the pattern and dealing with feeling like it was hard to be properly in range of the boss and not get hit, as well as dodging some of the bosses attacks.

I feel like that’s an easy fix, or, as I said, it’s a PEBCAK problem.

Yars Rising recently released for 29.99, and I might pick that up at some point later when my backlog and disposable income feels a bit more free. It’s got an interesting story to it, for what it gives you a taste of and I do love the feel of the game.

By Coan