Photography simulator has you, a man looking to become a photographer and going around a city park to pick up the experience and portfolio necessary to win a contest and a trip to Alaska.

First you get a couple basics in taking shots and learning about ISO and zoom from a friend. She then gives you the money to pick up a basic digital to access more settings such as F-stop, shutter speed, and manual focus. One more shot with her and then you get to wander the park trying to take pictures for people and do other side quests.

The main demo quest is about 10-15 minutes, though you could lose a fair bit more time getting lost in the park for the rest of the side quests (thank goodness for the map!). You’d have to do it all in one sitting as the demo doesn’t have a save function, which is the biggest thing that kept me from seeing everything.

The models and animations seem a bit stiff/rough, and it put me on uncapped “custom” graphics settings from the start both times I played the game. I’m not sure the demo is optimized enough for that, so watch for that when you start it. It might be a good practical lesson in how the exposure triangle works for people looking to learn how to take better shots, and will give you pointers on your shots. I do feel like I prefer my photos a bit darker than it’s ideal exposure, but that’s no different than real life where it all comes down to taste.

You can find the demo on their Steam page.

By Coan