In Copycat, you’re a shelter cat picked up by an old lady, and have to adjust from a prior life of being mistreated and abandoned to being loved.

It becomes apparently quickly that there is much more going on, as you see the old lady struggle with health issues. These are mostly narrated in calls with her daughter through points in the story. As a previously mistreated cat, you’re slow to trust the older woman who has adopted you, and keen on mischief and trying to regain some independence. While you do warm up over the course of the demo, it’s clear from the games title and trailers that you will leave at some point.

This is the first game I’ve attempted to record the playthrough as an actual play. I’ve edited it into three videos so one doesn’t have to sit through the 45 minutes or so of gameplay all at once. I also try to keep my commentary fairly light as the games fully voice acted and has a fairly chill soundtrack.

Part one of my Copycat actual play.

Part 2 and 3 will be up shortly and collected into a playlist to make it easy to find.

The demo is still up on their Steam page and doesn’t have any indication that it’ll be coming down with Next Fest being over.

By Coan